Saturday, June 28, 2008


Got this idea from my mission trainer MARIE's blog and well thought it was fun, so here goes....Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.


Marie said...

I remember how excited you got the first time you saw an apple tree. I remember you saying how strange it was for you to not see the ocean on the other side of every hill we went over. I remember attempting to cut your hair - in layers?! I remember making lunch for the elders with odds and ends from our cupboard and fridge - I remember it not being very good! I remember all the spices you had, and asking you to make curry for me. I remember making you a banana birthday cake with candles that I made out of foil and matches. We did a lot of fun things. Did we ever do any missionary work? I'm glad you liked my red dress. I did too, but my mom convinced me that it was ugly and I got rid of it. I wish I still had it.

Marie said...

Yes - I still have the flower/ butterfly picture. I will keep it forever. I remember you drawing a tribal armband tatoo for me - so missionaryish! I remember taking you to the eye doctor for your styes. My five year old gets them all the time! I remember Ruby and the Russian woman we met. I also remember that she was the last house at the end of a very, very long street. I remember trying to lift sister Bennett out of her bed, and it being very difficult. I remember that it took me forever to get ready in the morning, and you were ready in 10 min. I was always jealous of that. I'm sure I'll think of more later.

Whitney said...

Where do I start, We had so many memories. The one I am most thankful for is, you taking care of me when I was really sick. You were such a good mom to me. I also remeber the pranks we used to play on Eliie and Jorgy. I also remember us babysitting for President Galuser. We were missionary moms for a week. That was fun. I remeber the coolest birthday party that you all threw for me. I could go on forever. We had so much fun and we had so many good spiritual experiences together. By the way I sitll have the blanket you made me. I love it.

Janan said...

I was just blog hopping. I didn't want to be a lurker. I was wondering, when did you attend BYU H, the years? You look like a girl my husband, Prasan, was friends wtih at BYUH, and I borrowed a Indian dress from her for a photo. So, I was wondering if this is you . . . weird I know. I called her Semi for short.

Janan said...

Simi, no that I know it is you, I will leave my memory of you! First, I always remember you had on a beautiful smile and made me feel welcome always! My other memory is cooking Roti in the Hale 5 kitchen with the Indian Club. Finally, I remember borrowing a dress to take pictures in one sunday between Hale 3 and 5. The picture we took that day is actually hanging in our home! Finally, I remember you ALWAYS had the spices Prasan was looking for when cooking curry. Glad I found you!

Sarah/Gwenlliana said...

Wow, so many memories. I remember all the girls in our room just hanging out. You trying to get flour out of your hair. Dressing up in all your fun Indian clothes. Indian movies. Being informed I looked like a turtle. Being informed I was to long to draw. Culture night and frantically changing because we heard we might get into trouble for honor code violations. CURRY!!! There's so many, I can't list them all. I miss you and all the girls.