Thursday, June 26, 2008


Like all kids my daughter just loves the point where I have to buy a little bottle everyweek for her. Why I just dont buy a big bottle? thanks, I kinda like the bubble free week days thank you very much. Plus, when she gets tired of blowing bubbles but still wants bubbles, guess whose turn it is to blow bubbles? Mama's!!!

If Noesheen had it her way, that little bottle of smelly bubbles (good kinda smelly like bubblegum and strawberries) would go everywhere with us!

Here are a few pictures of her having fun with her bubbles.....oh and she figured if she turned on the wall fan, and held the bubble maker right she could get nice big bubbles too....and she needn't bother me for it too! You can imagine I was so delighted at the discovery.

But bubbles are just a great entertainer for my little one..

1 comment:

Janan said...

She is gorgeous and I love her hair!! Kaiya loves bubbles too!! Oh! Previously asked how old ours is, she turned 3 in April. How old is yours??!!