Thursday, June 5, 2008

FUN tiMeS with Sheen!

Not too long ago, my great friend Arti came to visit from New Zealand, and sorry no pictures (I have a memory lapse and forgot to take some), but we had a grand ol time catching up and just laughing at what good times we had at BYU Hawaii.. Before she left she got Noesheen this 3D mould and paint set, thinking that Sheen would enjoy it because...well coz her mom is an artist. Noesheen did enjoy it sooo fact the painting part was her most favorite thing to do. Uncle Simon (my brother) and I would make the little animals for her (she would of course help mix the plaster and pout it into the molds) and Noesheen went to town painting them. I didn't restrict her and let her have her fun, as a result the animals are a colorful splat of colors. This was soo much fun! But alas because all the animals would change their colors everyday, we are out of paint! Now she is eying my set of paints, and it is a little harder to explain to her that there are some paints for kids and some paints only for mommies! Thanks again Aunty Arti for a fun gift!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

She is so cute, and it looks like she is having a blast painting. You are such a good mom. I get all flustered when my child is making a huge mess. I am trying to learn to just let them be kids and to be messy. I am getting better. Wish I could see you. Miss you.