Tuesday, August 26, 2008
AHHHH...I've been tagged!
DA Rules: Answer da questions using only ONE WORD. Then tag four others.
I'm going to tag Kamaile, Janan, Marie and Sarah.
1.Where is your cell phone? TABLE
2. Your significant other? NADIM
3. Your hair? Shoulders
4. Your mother? working
5. Your father? Away
6. Your favorite thing? SPIRIT
7. Your dream last night? CONFUSING
8 Your favorite drink? WATER
9. Your dream/goal? EXALTATION
10. The room you’re in? OFFICE
11. Your hobby? TALKING
12. Your fear? DROWNING
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? NEW ZEALAND
14. What you’re not? Organized
15. Muffins? BLUEBERRY
16. One of your wish list items? VISA
17. Where you grew up? SUVA
18. The last thing you did? SNACK
19. What are you wearing? COOL WATER
20. Favorite gadget? BLACKBERRY
21. Your pets?NONE
22. Your computer? DESKTOP.....UMM SOON TO BE A MAC (i know i cheated!!!)
23.Your mood? GRATEFUL
24. Missing someone? EVERYONE!
25.Your car? NISSAN
26. Something you’re not wearing? EARRINGS
27. Favorite store? HUH????
28. Like someone? YESSIRREE
29. Your favorite color? UNDECIDED
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? SUNDAY....
Monday, August 25, 2008
Our put-put turns one!
So as soon as the candle was blown out umm i think three times...the first time sheen blew it out, the second time, I was trying to get him to blow it and accidently blew it out myself....yah I know, Zedekiah got it the third time and blew it out himself!!
That last picture tells the real story...that we are all a-related-cake-crazzy bunch!!!
Here's the update
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The story with Fairy Bread...mmmmm!!

Monday, August 11, 2008
And then it was Sunday!
..and my baby turns 4!
The answer i gave them..."yah, baby will come when she is ready!". Sitting there that sunday on the 8th of August, i felt different, more tired, yet more calm. My baby was due on the 17th of July, needless to say, that was a huge miscalculation! Nadim had taken time off work because for weeks now we were told, "any day now".
I remember that Sunday night, we were watching TV when the contractions started...about 15 mins apart, being first time parents, we rushed over to the hospital, the docs took one look at me and said, "nope you not ready yet, your water has to burst first, go home, try and get some sleep". So we went back home, around 11.30 the contractions were closer together, more painful, but still no "gushing of water". Nadim couldn't handle it, so we went back to the hospital, the docs said, "no you not ready, your water has not burst yet", i said, "well my contractions are becoming 5 mins apart, i dont care about any "gushing ofwater" I am not going anywhere, cos you are going to admit me now" Heehee that did the trick, he found a bed for me and I was officially admitted. "but you know, you are still a long long way from delivering could be tomorrow afternoon..." the doc warned.

I baked the yellow cake the night before at my sister Sharon's place, got up like at 6 on Sat morning, and started decorating the cake after 7, it took me a while but I was done by like 9ish. Of course, then Noesheen got up before it was done, and wanted to help out, which meant eating like half the icing. Then all the birthday phone calls came in, and of course Noesheen wanted breakfast and had like 2 million urgent questions that needed to be answered immediately! But I am pleased with how the cake came out, whatchathink?
After doing the cake, we had to make a trip to the supermarket to pick up the bread for fairy bread and some lemonade for the punch, so Noesheen got ready to go to the store, and no I did not dress her like this, and no i did not direct the poses for this photograph.
The rest of the picts are random picts from the small party. It was the best ever, coz she had sooo much fun and did not get out of the pool til she was shivering cold at about 4pm!
Here is my eager beaver, we were in the middle of singing happy birthday and she wanted to blow the candles out already! Thats my hand on the right trying to tell her to hold on!
you mean i can eat it now? I'm giving her a little help to dig into the cake!
I decided to keep the snacks basic, so we had homemade choc-chip cookies, choc-choc-chip cookies, cheese and crackers, dip and nachoes, fairy bread, mac and cheese and my special nibbles and of course birthday cake.
So while all the kiddies were swimming downstairs in the pool, Aunty sapna was tasting the food...you know just to be sure everything was okay for the kiddies to consume!
Zedekiah was the only one who could not join the girls in the pool, the water was a bit too cold for his liking.
Grub time, while Irris and Jaz had had enough, Noesheen when back into the water when her lil aunty Resha arrived, she had way too much fun with Resha and Jon in the pool. Sorry no picts there!
Sheen just did not get enough of her birthday cake, so she took to it again after all the guests had left!
At the end of it all she was thoroughly exhausted, I had to put this picture in... I am so thankful that Heavenly Father thought me worthy to me mom to this active little girl. I thank him every day for her and the joy she is to me and Nadim.